GIA Report 15.11.1014 - intro.
Does money really run the world?* The Deep State keeps revisiting the same old low-end money systems they think run the world. But what is the truth? And the Bank for International Settlements fails on their crypto-embridge program because it didn't work. But the American Deep State operatives are still trying. This time it's stable coin at the US Treasury. And happy full snow moon, just another day ending in Y where the Deep State thinks it will usher in their golden ticket...

* No - it's much more complicated and deals with numbers.
W tym raporcie Kimberly prawie w całości wróciła po raz kolejny do objaśnienia (przy tablicy) na czym polega system finansowy i pieniądz, ponieważ wygląda na to, że niepowodzenia Głębokiego Państwa biorą się z niezrozumienia tych spraw.
Będzie nagranie, które pokaże to każdemu zainteresowanemu...
GIA Report 15.11.1014 - intro. Does money really run the world?* The Deep State keeps revisiting the same old low-end money systems they think run the world. But what is the truth? And the Bank for International Settlements fails on their crypto-embridge program because it didn't work. But the American Deep State operatives are still trying. This time it's stable coin at the US Treasury. And happy full snow moon, just another day ending in Y where the Deep State thinks it will usher in their golden ticket... * No - it's much more complicated and deals with numbers. ----- W tym raporcie Kimberly prawie w całości wróciła po raz kolejny do objaśnienia (przy tablicy) na czym polega system finansowy i pieniądz, ponieważ wygląda na to, że niepowodzenia Głębokiego Państwa biorą się z niezrozumienia tych spraw. Będzie nagranie, które pokaże to każdemu zainteresowanemu...
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