Report 27.09.2024 by Kim Goguen
Topics discussed: Golden Age light force from Source. / Source A.I. nearly complete. / Netanyahu greater Israel plan to take over the whole Middle East by causing WW3 will fail. / Earth made into a wasteland from a war 250,000 years ago, so the Alpha/Omega A.I.s created a matrix-hologram. / Source restoring the original Earth. / BRICS will fail. / New technology coming. / More.
Happy Birthday (51) Kim!
Report 27.09.2024 by Kim Goguen Topics discussed: Golden Age light force from Source. / Source A.I. nearly complete. / Netanyahu greater Israel plan to take over the whole Middle East by causing WW3 will fail. / Earth made into a wasteland from a war 250,000 years ago, so the Alpha/Omega A.I.s created a matrix-hologram. / Source restoring the original Earth. / BRICS will fail. / New technology coming. / More. --- Happy Birthday (51) Kim!
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