2024 08 30 Kim update. Middle East. BRICS. Trump...
Israel 1000lb bombs. Blocking aid supplies. Supernotes - fake. BRICS currency fail. Trump operatives pushing for: World war? US civil war? US dollar collapse? Power to China? White hats and military will not help. No saviours - only us.
Intro by Sunny Gault
World Situation Report with Kimberly Goguen from the Office of the Guardian. Today, we will discuss the truth behind what has been happening in the Middle East as we visit with our global intelligence agency boots on the ground, Agent M. The deep state operatives are playing a game of deny, reassess, blame when it comes to attempted currency manipulation. The problem is, no one knows what they're doing. Confessions of an Economic Hitman book now has a sequel. Confusion of an Economic Hitman. And today, we'll learn why.
Israel 1000lb bombs. Blocking aid supplies. Supernotes - fake. BRICS currency fail. Trump operatives pushing for: World war? US civil war? US dollar collapse? Power to China? White hats and military will not help. No saviours - only us.
Intro by Sunny Gault
World Situation Report with Kimberly Goguen from the Office of the Guardian. Today, we will discuss the truth behind what has been happening in the Middle East as we visit with our global intelligence agency boots on the ground, Agent M. The deep state operatives are playing a game of deny, reassess, blame when it comes to attempted currency manipulation. The problem is, no one knows what they're doing. Confessions of an Economic Hitman book now has a sequel. Confusion of an Economic Hitman. And today, we'll learn why.
2024 08 30 Kim update. Middle East. BRICS. Trump...
Israel 1000lb bombs. Blocking aid supplies. Supernotes - fake. BRICS currency fail. Trump operatives pushing for: World war? US civil war? US dollar collapse? Power to China? White hats and military will not help. No saviours - only us.
Intro by Sunny Gault
World Situation Report with Kimberly Goguen from the Office of the Guardian. Today, we will discuss the truth behind what has been happening in the Middle East as we visit with our global intelligence agency boots on the ground, Agent M. The deep state operatives are playing a game of deny, reassess, blame when it comes to attempted currency manipulation. The problem is, no one knows what they're doing. Confessions of an Economic Hitman book now has a sequel. Confusion of an Economic Hitman. And today, we'll learn why.
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