Raport KAG z 19.08.2024 w omówieniu https://justempowerme.com/1000-yrs-ago-realm-owners-promised-3-groups-control-of-earth-1-black-nobility-2-japanese-faction-3-leaders-within-the-amish-community-the-high-council-of-every-religion-is-involved-with/ Kolejne zaskakujące ustalenia w skrócie: Ponad 1000 lat temu właściciele królestw obiecali 3 grupom kontrolę nad Ziemią | 1. Czarna szlachta 2. Frakcja japońska i 3. Przywódcy społeczności Amiszów | Wysoka Rada KAŻDEJ religii jest powiązana z Głębokim Państwem | Amisze są purytanami „czystą rasą” i są spokrewnieni z pierwotnymi germańskimi plemionami aryjskimi, co nie polega na byciu białym, ale na niższych istotach astralnych przywiązanych do Abraxów | Tak jak powyżej, tak i poniżej, dla każdej organicznej rasy w danym regionie stworzono rasy nieorganiczne. Cenni gracze w grze są klonowani i kontrolowani przez grupę, której podlegają
1,000+ Yrs Ago Realm Owners Promised 3 Groups Control Of Earth | 1. Black Nobility 2. Japanese Faction & 3. Leaders Within The Amish Community | The High Council of EVERY Religion is Involved With the Deep State | The Amish Are Puritans ‘Pure Race’ & Related to Original Germanic Aryan Tribes Which Is Not About Being White, But Were Lower Astral Beings Tied To The Abraxas | As Above-So Below, Hence, In-Organic Races Were Created For Each Organic Race In A Region | Valuable Players In the Game Are Cloned & Controlled By Group They Are Subject To
This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 19-AUG-24 NEWS (unitednetwork.earth) which is available for subscribers. Some eye opening and disturbing information came to light over the weekend. Evidently there were some other people Kim hasn’t mentioned before who are also driving things behind the scenes. She was wondering where they came from and through that process a
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